Our Services

Digital Marketing

Maximize your revenue

Don’t let monetization issues eat up the time and efforts you’ve saved up for curating solutions for your audience. Partner with Aeonadz to clock maximum returns from the ad spend you allocate according to your marketing budgets.

Best Ads

Highly personalized and AI-compatible campaigns that value your users’ time & privacy needs

Off the chart Growth

Growth that is directly in proportion to the revenue you ad-spend inventory garners

Best Support

24*7 support provisions to keep you involved and up-to-date with the proceedings

Marketing Can Be Overwhelming. The Good News Is, You Have Options.

For Ad Networks

Optimize for higher returns for your publishers through rather simple integrations. Integrate via API or open RTB as per your ease.

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We provide a full range of top-performing ad formats — interstitial, native, banners & videos. A careful balance of the right visuals and the right messaging optimized for the mobile environment. You can use them to create great user experiences that will lead to higher ad revenues for you.

For Media Buyers

Anchor the power of our recommendation engine, ensure the highest returns on media spends.

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Anchor the power of our recommendation engine, ensure the highest returns on media spends. Minimum traffic wastage. Recommendation engine. Innovative ad formats

For App Developers

Improve CTRs through intelligent creative selection and build audience to further improve eCPM.

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Improve CTRs through intelligent creative selection and rotation and build audience to further improve eCPM. You can sell your inventory programmatically to highest bidders, thus achieving better fill rates.

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!